Every Man Enjoys a Teen Anal Whore

teen anal whoreEveryone likes a teen anal whore. And I have three of them in my home brothel. The younger generation seems hipper to ass sex than my generation. I consider my husband old school. He never wanted to fuck my ass. Not even when he met me as a jailbait hooker. But he started to come around after watching his sons fuck their sisters’ assholes. And all the anal porn. Lots of that exists now. In fact, I think ass porn dominates the porn world.

We have several clients who love to hire our daughters just for ass sex. And the reason they do is simple. Wives never give up their assholes to their husbands. Not sure why. I love ass sex. You can give me hardcore anal sex any day. My older daughters too. Well, Saturday night me, my three daughters and my adopted daughter went to Gary’s house. He pays good money for virgin ass holes. He loves a used ass too. But he takes pleasure in popping back door cherries.

Young Girls Give Up Their Asses Easier Than Wives Do

My adopted daughter got her back door popped Saturday. And her family cheered her on. It hurt. But it always hurts the first time. It hurts about the first 5 times, maybe even more for a young girl. No matter how old or young a girl is, her ass will always be her tightest hole. My little angel cried even when our rent a daddy went easy on her. His cock appears coke bottle thick and that always hurts more than length when ass fucking. For the pussy, a woman wants a thick cock, but not necessarily a long cock if she still has her girl parts. But for the ass, we prefer long dicks over thick ones.

Our angel acted like a trooper though. It lasted about 15 minutes. No man can fuck a tight ass for too long before they cum. Daddy fucked all our asses by the end of our session. We took our little anal cum dumpster home and soothed her little holes. She will feel better in a few days. Until then I will spoil her for being such a trooper.

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