Anal sex whore shits on BBC with her mom

Anal sex whore

Anal sex whore for BBC is bringing summer’s end in with a huge blast! I believe life has a few simple pleasures that one must indulge in from time to time. And Anal sex with a huge black cock is one of them for me. Will I hurt the next day? Well yes, but that reminds me that I had a lot of fun with Rod’s huge ebony rod the night before.

Will I have issues pooping for a couple of days? Yeah, But that’s what Coke is for! A sniff or a hot on the ol’ Pyrex and I’ll be shitting just fine! Even if it aches a bit on the way out. Speaking of taking a healthy shot and BBC ass blasts… ????

Anal sex whore shits on BBC with her mom

Now, to get back to one of my favorite BBC sex stories to date! My mother, ever the old whore, called her favorite slutty daughter over to have some fun with Rod her Boyfriend. He loves white cracker bitches like us getting vomit-face fucked and shitty anal fucked. ????

He knows with the right amount of crack he can make us stupid white trash whores do anything. 

My mother was in charge of cleaning his cock off between my shitter exploding on his nigga cock. Every time one of us shot as he was gaping our snow bunny asses, he would laugh. But really a black man giving us hits off his crack pipe is exactly the perfect setup for some black-on-blondes crack whore anal!  Let me tell you about how my mother nad I suck a big turn like a BBC for this dark motherfucker! 

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