I never thought I could be someone who would fuck in a public restroom with a man I did not know, but here I am sitting on a toilet and sucking on a man’s big cock. I am showing it no mercy, bobbing my head up and down and taking it deeper every time. I lick on it while my superior sucking makes his cock throb even harder. I could make him cum right then and there, but I need that cock in my pussy. I remove his terrific cock from my mouth and lean on the top of the toilet so he can fuck me from the back. He was spectacular, fucking my pussy and then my tight asshole. When I begged for him to cum inside me, he came inside my asshole. I got on my knees so that I could lick all the cum off of his cock and get him to cum in my mouth. I slobbered on his amazing cock and played with his balls until he sprayed his cum into my mouth.