Trailer Trash Whore Moms Will Always Be Popular with Teen Boys

Boys with a trailer trash whore mother will always be popular with their peers. I have two sons still in school.  They love going to school too. They are popular boys. Cute too. Daddy and I pimping our boys out and playing with them has not hurt them one bit. Has not hurt our girls either and they have seen way more cock than my boys. Yesterday, my youngest son asked if he could bring some friends home after school to watch some scary movies and play video games. I can never say no to my boys. I cannot say no to their friends either. I am a trashy milf. I crave young cock. I want to be double and triple penetrated. Hell, I want to be gang banged and filled with cum the older I get. Turns out both boys brought home like three friends. I had 8 teenage boys yesterday. The bonus boys were not interested in watching Halloween flicks or playing video games. They were interested in gang banging a trailer park mommy whore. And guess what? Fuck movies. Fuck video games. Fuck this sexy mommy instead is what I told them. I wanted to drain those teenage cocks. Boys that age are hard 24/7 and need almost no down time in between cums. Those boys thought I could not keep up with them because there was so many of them. How sweet. They underestimated me. Sexy prostitutes like me can multi-task cocks like no one else. I wore the boys out because once they passed out, I was still horny and wanting to fuck some more. My pussy can never have enough cum or cock. My two youngest boys were passed out with their friends, so I went to my oldest boy’s room. Perfect timing. He was jacking off thinking of me. We put each other to bed with intense orgasms. Oh, how I love my sons and all their friends.

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