Tranny Sex First Timer

It was his first time with a Shemale phone sex hooker and he was so nervous and excited at once. I can always tell when a virgin is completely mesmerized and their cock tells me just how fucking turned on they are when they find out that i have a dick. We met at a club and were having a great time. We did some blow and I blew him really good in exchange for that baggy of candy. He was so into me that I just couldn’t turn down a little extra fun time. He had the cash and I was certain he wouldn’t mind what I had hidden, my Shemale surprise was aching to be freed from these tight panties. We were back at his hotel room and doing more lines as we made out. I whispered to him that I had a surprise for him and he had to promise it wouldn’t freak him out. Guiding his hand to my package bulging in these panties he was a little taken aback but excited and curious at the same time. I told him to touch it and give it a stroke. He was really shocked and followed direction well. I had him sucking my cock and taking it in his tight hole in no time. It really excited him, and it excited him more when I told him he could fuck my ass. He never felt anything like it I could tell.

Shemale phone sex


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