White Trash Phone Sex: I’m a Redneck Whore at My Core

white trash phone sexWhite trash phone sex is what I deliver best. I know I don’t look like trailer trash, but that’s just because my husband is filthy rich. I can afford  to dress nice and get pampered at the spa. You can move me from the trailer park to a gated community  and class up my appearance, but I will always be a redneck whore at my core. We have a beautiful landscaped yard designed on the sweat and labor of undocumented Mexican workers. They are cheap labor, highly skilled in yard work and don’t speak a lick of English. Don’t need to speak English to fuck. Juan is the teen son of one of the workers. He is off of school until Labor day and has been helping his father with the yard work all summer. This was his last Friday working with his dad, so I decided to give him a bonus. When he went inside to use the bathroom, he returned to find me naked and spread eagle on his riding mower. He shifted the bulge in his pants as I summoned him between my legs. I let a wetback teen give me a wet pussy. I let him fuck me too of course, but not till I taught him how to mow my personal lawn. He had some rather natural skills. I didn’t know what the fuck he was saying, but it didn’t matter, I was creaming all over his face. He looked like a glazed donut when he emerged. His brown cock was so hard. Big too. His cock made a tent in his pants. I unzipped his jeans, blew him for a few minutes then put some hair on his chest. I rode that boy like he was a lawn mower. He gave me a cum filled cunt. I’m going to miss him now that he is going back to school. Education is so overrated. I have done quite well for myself and I never graduated high school.

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