Trashy MILF Beverly

trashy milfThis trashy milf loves to suck dick. It is more about the cum than the dick, but they sort of go together unless you give a guy a prostate exam. My son and his friends needed their balls drained. They were at a bachelor party last night with a couple strippers but none of the boys got laid. Apparently, the strippers were not giving anything up. Not even for extra cash. My son told his pals he knew an old whore down to party and she gives up every hole. I love that my boy brags about his mommy. I was still up partying around 6 am when he texted me if him and a couple friends could stop by. At that time of night, I knew it was for a ball draining. The couple friends was 15 boys. They barely fit in my trailer. When my son explained what happened, I knew I had to take care of the boys. I am a gangbang whore not a cock teasing stripper. This dirty mommy is a sure thing. I let them fuck me. One at a time at first, then three at a time. Mommy has three holes, right? It would be a shame not to use them all. The boys asked if I did bachelor parties. I just laughed. No one wants a 55-year-old whore at their bachelor party. They want a young thing. My son said that age does not matter if the stripper puts out, LOL. I guess he had a point. I took care of my son and his plus 15 friends. I drained a lot of balls and drank a lot of cum before the sun even came up. Great way to start my day. I have coke and cum. I do not need sleep. Sleep is for pussies.

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