Trashy Milf Lilibeth might as well be my new moniker. My youngest son had an open house last night at his new school. He is changing schools since he graduated his last grade. I was trying to act like a good respectable mother, but it’s a struggle for me. I was at a school with lots of young boys. But it wasn’t a school boy who caught m eye first. It was a new teacher, who I mistook for a school boy because of his baby face. Just graduated college. This will be his first year teaching and he will be my son’s homeroom teacher. I caught his attention too. I joked that I had underwear older than him. “I’d like to see those,” he retorted with a smile. My son is not even failing school yet and I was banging his baby faced teacher in a supply closet. Usually, I wait untill a brat is in academic trouble before I fuck the teacher. My ass and pussy are how I make sure my babies don’t get held back. I thought to myself as he was ramming his cock up my ass that I could always blackmail him if push came to shove. My youngest son is smarter than the rest of us combined, so likely it was safe to bang the teacher before school even started. We weren’t gone long, but I emerged out of the supply closet a hot mess. My son knew the look. “Good thing I am smart, mom,” he joked with me. I think I am the teacher’s pet. I sure hope so. What hot milf doesn’t want to fuck a 22 year old hung boy. I love fucking my youngest boy, but his dick is a fraction the size of my son. When we got home, my son busted me to my husband, but he loves that I am mommy whore.
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Let me fuck that slutty pussy with my huge cock!
Such a naughty MILF!
Dam girl your picture is HOT!
Thats a pretty pussy
I have a nice big dick for your mommy whore cunt
I love a trashy milf