Prostitution porn w/ a junkie milf

No taboo phone sex

Give me those dirty dicks that love fucking junkie prostitutes’ out of ran down motels ! I need more rock in my crack pipe! If you’re a fiend and you struggle you are not doing anything right! I swear if I have saved up all the money I have made from fucking I would be a millionaire by now…

I am honestly surprised that I don’t have a sex disease by now. I mean I haven’t been to the doctors since I picked up the habit of doing drugs. I just hate someone bossing me around trying to tell me to get help…

That is the exact reason why I left my husband and family behind. My only help is my drugs. I do not care about anything else. I will care about you for the moment as long as you’re supporting my drug habit. I’ll give you pussy as long as you buy me my next bag of drugs. Here’s how it works, sometimes the market is cheap in the streets so my pussy price drops! Some other times the price goes up so my pussy price goes up…

I would advertise “bring me drugs’ ‘ Instead of “come with money”, but most of these men are too pussy to handle a fast transaction with a drug dealer you know. Fucking, fuck me up this loose dirty unwashed pussy and pay me already.

I do not care about anything anymore! I need to stay high..

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