Phone sex mommy whore

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All the young studs in my neighborhood call me a hot MILF. I always have me and my daughter fuck and suck the community cocks. Last weekend I had a big cock daddy come over to pound my pussy like a cock hungry whore! That was until he saw my sweet little princess come out of the bathroom with a towel that barely wrapped her body..

I was down on my knees deepthroating his cock.. When he called her over and told her to drop her towel.. Next thing you know he had my baby girl with her legs wrapped around his head eating her bald little pussy. I was shocked I would of never known he had rape fantasies…

But now that I am aware I guess I will be inviting her in the bedroom to drain a load of his cum down her sweet little fuckhole. Wow, he came so hard as he sucked on her smooth pussy lips… He even fingered her little asshole.. He demanded I back up off his dick and he slid her down, told her to get down on all fours and cumshot all over her little ass..

He told me to suck the nut off her tight little holes.

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