phone sex line with our jingly jangly bell wearing pansy

phone sex line

Our pretty bell wearing pansy is fixing to get herself into a big mess, so listen carful. The biggest pansy of them all is going to get her identity revealed if she does not listen to every word we say. Us WBMT chicks have decided that if you do not pay up more vacation money asap we are all going to change our blogs and make you our blackmail paypiggy and have your full name- Sissy Michael Fra… Ha keep it up! That was close, right little fairy princess? Everyone will know how you like dressing in girly girl clothes and jingling all around. You are such a jingly jangly bell wearing pansy, aren’t you? Do you want your family and everyone to know who you are and how you like acting like a little Barbie girl? Do you want them to know that your favorite color is pink? Do you want them to know how you love dressing in dresses and fluffy ruffle skirts? Do you really want everyone to see how much of a little sissy you are? You are going to get very humiliated and feel very ashamed if we leak your name and send your pictures to everyone you know. Even people passing you by on the street will know who you are. We will make it our sole and solitude mission to expose you. You love strutting around in your pretty pink penis pouch, and all will see that, if you don’t obey like a good little pretty sissy bitch. We all know there is not much of a penis in that pouch. There is however, a pretty pink pussy there. Come on and give us a show our pretty jingly jangly bell wearing pansy. Be a good sissy fag and do like you are told.

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