Live Phone Sex; Let’s Play Ball

Live phone sex

I never was a sporty bitch, but when white girl twerk team was approached for a trailer park soft ball team I knew that we would have a blast. There was one thing that I really did not anticipate. No amount of live phone sex, coke, or alcohol would be able to help us win the league. We were so awful, all the girls were all defeated that we sucked so hard. That was when I came up with an idea that would get us a trophy. I trapped our league ref, I just wanted to talk to him. Told him I had a proposal to make.
I slid the metal bat up and down in my hands. I slowly lifted the tip of it along the inside of my thigh. I watched as his eyes moved with it not leaving the direction in which it was headed. That is when I knew I had him! I started to push it around on my cunt. I moaned as mu twat started to moisten itself against the cold metal. He tried to walk away, be the bigger man, but I grabbed his ass by his collar and asked him to grab a baggy from my gym bag.

phone sex line He did so hesitantly. The white powdery substance was immediately recognized by him. I could see him lick the front of his teeth. I sat back onto the bench and moaned as I kept pushing the bat further into my twat. I opened the bag and dumped some of the precut cocaine onto the handle of it. “Come on ref, be bad with me?” He leaned down snorting the coke off of my make shift dildo. Once the handle was clear he grabbed the handle and spun it around inside of me.
I moaned and moved my hand to wipe some of the residue off my bat and rub my gum with it. The high was met with cock being rammed into my face hole. He grunted as he held my head forcing it onto his cock. I groaned as I struggled for breath at the hands of his thrust. I kept fucking my stretched out pussy with the softball bat. When I was about to cum I closed my eyes and groaned against his cock. He filled the back of my throat. Needless to say White Girl Twerk Team has won a few games since then, here to a trophy!

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