Live phone sex

Live phone sexWe can have some Live phone sex and get nice and fucked up together. The funniest calls are with those who want to get high or wasted or even better crossfaded. What’s your drug of choice tonight? I have all the party favors we need, I really have been putting in that overtime with my phone sex, and selling my body. I just want to be able to be high whenever I want to be, which is all the time. I am feeling like speeding tonight, I want lines and bumps until my nose is clogged and I have to fix it. I want to be zooted with you, that beautiful snow always makes me so fucking horny. It always makes me want to suck cock, do lines off your dick then take that juicy cock in my tight ass. It’s my favorite past time as I get high with you. We are in sync, just two junkies on the same wavelength, and the best part is you know we can do anything in the world, you know you’ve found the right nasty druggy bitch.

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