I Love Taboo Phonesex Because I am a Taboo Whore

taboo phonesexI love taboo phonesex. Perhaps, I was born to do this. My life has never been vanilla and likely never will. As a mature woman, I find those young, hairless and soft bodies particularly attractive. I am a P mommy. And I married a P man. He prefers the young girls, but I like both. When you live in sunny California, you can perv on young ones at the beach anytime you want. Although in the winter months you do not see too many young ones on the beach, you can still see some.

My youngest son attends high school still, but he surfs every morning before he catches the bus. And some mornings like today, I got up with him before the sun even rose. I wanted to watch him surf. But I also wanted to see some other young ones at the beach before school. It’s warmer now, so there are more surfers and beach goers than last month.

As I eyed the talent, some one eyed this trashy milf. A young boy, even younger than my son, hit on me. Can you believe that? Made my mission much easier for me. We flirted and I told him I came to the beach early to watch my son surf. He praised my son’s dedication and talent as a surfer. All the avid surfers in my community know my son. He wants to go pro. And he wants to attend UC San Deigo because of their surf team.

I Love to Hunt for Young Studs on The Beaches of California

So, this boy and I talked surfing for a bit. And honestly, I did not think much about our conversation until he asked me if I wanted to suck his dick. If we had not been on a public beach or if he had been older, I would have blown him right there. Good looking boy. Young, lean, hairless and horny. Just how I like my boys. I did not want to miss this chance, so we went to my car. My son might not even notice me gone, I told myself.

The sun was up, but with the overcast it still seemed dark out. I had my husband’s SUV because it fits the surfboard easier than my car. I saw that as fate. So, I loaded the boy in the back of my hubby’s SUV and fucked his brains out. Oh, and he fucked the hell out of me too. Boys his age never last long but they rabbit fuck you. Left me with a cum filled cunt and scurried off.

I never even got the boy’s name. I went back to the beach with cum leaking on my panties to watch my son surf. Perhaps I need to get up with the sun and go to the beach in the mornings more often. Clearly, I can catch more than waves and a sunrise.

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