Hot Anal Sex Whore

anal sex whore

As you know, I’m always a slut. But the other night, I was a total anal sex whore and I’ve just got to tell you all about it. So, I usually have a limit on how many dicks I can take in my shitter before it starts to get too stretched out and sore. But the other night, I was the entertainment at a bachelor party, and they had all the good party favors if you know what I mean. So, when they all started fucking my ass, I didn’t even think about when I needed to make them stop. They just kept on fucking me all night.

I woke up the next morning and I felt weird, so I spread my legs and looked at my ass, and oh my God. It was gaping more than I’d ever seen it gape and my cunt was so fucking swollen. I guess it looks that way when you’ve been gang fucked all night long by a bunch of rowdy bachelors. Do you want to hear what they did to me that night? The parts I can remember, anyway? Then get on the phone and give me a call for the dirtiest phone fucking you could ever imagine!

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