Hooker phone sex

Crack whore anal

My dealer has been taking me on trips to see his plug.. We have been getting supply for 10% off due to my miraculous cock sucking skills. He gives me a 20 bag for my good behavior. Honestly I feel like he doesn’t even realize how much free drugs he is giving me. The more I stick around the higher I get. Working for him is the easiest job ever! All I have to do is fuck dirty old men for no more than 15 mins and I get myself a nice bag of dope. I have been the highest I ever been lately! I am so glad I met him. I love being his druggy whore prostitute. I was selling my ass to get high anyway but now I have all the drugs at my leisure. I turn about 10 dates a day and make out with $1000 cash! All I have to do is give him every dime and he cuts me off a nice bundle of joy for me to smoke, snort and shoot. I am hot and horny right now and am looking to turn a few more tricks! If i turn them over the phone I can smoke and snort during the session that’s even better than waiting until after.


    • Mario on June 30, 2022 at 7:00 pm
    • Reply

    I’ll keep you well supplied, babe.

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