Hardcore orgy porn for a breeding Bitch In heat!

Hardcore orgy pornHardcore orgy porn is the perfect setting for a breeding session. It’s full of hot, horny men who are eager to please and eager to breed. Bareback all the way, baby! I told my husband I was ready for another bundle of joy. ANd I want to get knocked up as fast as humanly possible. He asked me if it mattered whose sperm made my new offspring. I Laugh and say “it didn’t matter the first two; I have no clue who these daddys are!” He was so turned on by it that he instantly got hard and called up a few healthy specimens.

Fifteen minutes later, we found ourselves in the back room of a swanky sex club getting my whore pussy pounded by sweaty, muscular studs!. My husband and our friends had all gathered around, their eyes glazed over with lust as they watched the scene unfold before them. I could feel my husband’s hand on my stomach, his fingers tracing the curve of my belly, the one that would soon be swollen with another Slutkin.

Hardcore orgy porn for a breeding Bitch In heat!

The men surrounding us were a dazzling display of masculinity, each one more attractive than the last. There was the tall, dark-haired guy with a chiseled jaw and a bulge that could have powered a small city! Next to him, a short, stocky guy with a thick neck and powerful arms had this trashy milf swooning!  And then there were the young cocks barely out of high school. 

As the stud behind me continued to thrust his baby batter shooter, I arched my back to meet him, moaning with each impact. My husband watched with a mix of pride and desire, his own erection straining against his jeans!.

Our friends cheered and clapped as the stud reached his peak, his body shuddering with the force of his orgasm. I felt the warm sensation of his cum filling me up, the weight and heat of it pooling inside me. As he pulled out, another man stepped forward, this one with a lean and sculpted Bod! “You’re next,” I heard my husband say. The men shifted, rearranging themselves to make room for the new-cummer. 

The room was filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and the slick slap of flesh against flesh,  each helping me have a Cum filled cunt.

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