Fly with these red wings in Period Phone Sex

Period Phone Sex

So I know you nasty fuckers out there know that behind this phone, there is definitely a woman there. Who has a uterus. And we all know that there is a certain time of month that some men won’t even consider touching a woman. Because… ew? It’s doing the nasty thing again…

But Period Phone Sex while I’m sailing that red tide? My gawd. It’s a sex that hits different. Like, I’m already wet. And things just slide around in my ketchup cup a lot longer too. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

And think of this. Cool vampire role play while you’re getting ready to nom on your favorite food group. (That’s me btw 😉 ) You can think of it as going for a yummy cupcake that’s filled with strawberry preserves. And if it’s a bit extra “chunky”? Meh, that’s like coco beads from a Boba Tea.

If that part bothers you a little though, use your dick as a stir stick and make it a bloody cum slushy.

All I’m saying is I have mad respect to the men who take one for the team. Get that zombie mustache going, and just nom nom nom motha fuckas 


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