Filthy Fucking Creampie sex stories

Creampie sex stories

Eat it up yum! Creampie sex stories are so fucking nasty and filthy! Just like me,  a filthy trailer trash milf who loves feeding you right out of my cunt! I get extra special wet when a man wants to watch me take five big cocks one after another and  feed him that warm creamy mixture right out of my hot box. I have been around the block to know as much as I love fucking there will be a man paying to eat out cummy pussies! Don’t mind me I will be laying back and smoking my big fat Joint as you eat me out! A whores work isn’t easy and I need a blunt and some pussy clean out after a hard dick filled work night. I will take all the cock in my whore holes, but you better believe when I spread my legs to the ceiling I will be so full of cum that my belly bulges just the slightest. My anal cavity is full too. I will shit and piss all this trashy milf cum filled goodness right down your throat. Cum and relieve my aching holes. I need a hot wet mouth to massage them after they  have been stretched out and prolapsed. Where do my cum eater men eat? Hadley’s Cunt Buffet is where!



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