Drunk sex porn Freaky phone sex

No taboo phone sex

I love druggy phone sex! I wanna get so high that I am unable to feel my face. I love filling my asshole with cocaine and getting so numb that I can’t feel a thing! Let’s get high together… I want to chase the dragon while you tell me all of your wicked rape phone sex fantasies! I love speed balling… The way I can instantly feel my body giving in to the devils calls. Makes me feel amazing! Screw me over and fuck my littles right in front of me.. Take advantage of the fact I am a druggy whore who cares for nothing but a fix. I am willing to sacrifice the littles just to spend some time with you or should I say spend some time off the drugs you will be bringing over. You can use, abuse and dismantle their fuckholes! As long as you make sure I get so high that I won’t regret a thing! Oh ya, If we run out of funds don’t worry I do it all the time… We can pawn these worthless little fuckholes off and reup on supply!

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