Druggy phone sex kind of night

druggy phone sex

I will do about anything for that excellent treat when I am offered a good blow. Nose candy gets me going and has me plotting like crazy. My sweet cunt drips whenever I am high as fuck. Druggy phone sex gets me going, so when a guy Is on the phone and I have a few bumps in my system, you know I am one happy girl.

One of the many stories I like to tell about my naughty escapades is about the time I tortured one of my cousins for an eight-ball. The drug dealer was sick and tired of the blowjobs. Sure, I give epic ones, but two are better than one. My cousin April wasn’t in for the threesome idea. The only other way I could do this is if I drugged her.

I had no roofies around, so I had to trick her and keep her hog-tied. My drug dealer came around for the show and enjoyed me totruignn her and gave me plenty of coke and cock for the night. I did enjoy probing the bitch and making her feel like real meat. No one will stop me from getting high family or not.

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