Druggy phone sex

Druggy phone sexNext door the son is home from college and he brought me a nice clean crack rock from his campus. He knows the deal his parents think he is coming over here to help tutor my daughters but that’s all bullshit. He is here to fuck my way too young daughters as payment for crack. He comes over early in the morning so that my daughters would still be sleeping. He is a brutal young man and likes to make my girls cry in pain in agony. He throws me the rock and precedes to the bedroom. I follow behind him. He rips the covers off and tears the clothes off my youngest daughter. She tries to resist as she knows what is going to happen but he punches her right in the gut and bitch slaps her across the face. She looks over to me for her mommy to help her but I am too busy getting my high on. I look at her and laugh. She may not know it but I get turned on by her screams as much as he does.

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