cheap phone sex with Randi

Cheap phone sexHaving two big fat cocks in my fucking cunt is like a walk in the park for me. I take two cocks in my holes daily, and I want to tell you all the dirty situations I have been in. Like last night I seen two guys at the bar eye fucking me and I called them over to me, and said “Do you like tag teaming a girls”? They nodded and I told them to come back to my house, and as soon as they stepped in the door I was on my knees like a good fucking girl. I opened my mouth and started taking to big cocks down my throat all the way to the balls. Mhm, there cocks tasted so good going down my throat and then I hoped right on a cock and guided the other one in my fucking wet ready asshole. I love feeling the first pop of two cocks smothering my holes until they explode in me.

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