Trailer trash whore teaches step daughter how to be nasty like her~!

Trailer trash whore

Trailer trash whore teaches step daughter how to be nasty like her~!

My stepdaughter is entering the world of nasty, trashy sluts because I want her too. Her daddy is up for me to do anything it takes to make her “whore famous”! Hubby thinks it so hot that hsi ex wife is throwing a fit about her daughter fucking four or five men at once. “Just call her five guys drive through! She has seen the aftermath after I sent her over for a weekend. I got her hooked on coke and cock just like her Step momma! How proud I am of my new bonus brat! I even let my own son and daughter play around with dope and cock!

Who am I to let a precious hottie so young and tender slip through the cracks. Her holier than thou mom couldn’t keep my husband because she wasn’t as big of a whore as I am! Now my mission is to make my young girls and boys into the hottest hookers and pimps around!I’ll make sure they learn the ropes from the best, turning them into the most sought-after sluts around. Nothing will stop me from molding them into the perfect whores, just like their stepmom. 

After all, Sexy prostitutes are made by a trashy Step mom who wants to see her teen be a do anything whore too!

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