Crack whore anal slut sells pussy and ass for daily fixings

Crack whore analI had a urine drug screen so I had to fuck the MRO… We both know I could never pass a drug test I am a Crack whore anal slut that wakes up to smoke meth and snort coke. I am on probation for prostitution… I was caught selling ass to a federal agent! I couldn’t believe he was a fed since he let me suck his dick but; he made sure to leave that out of the police report… and like he said “Who is going to believe a crack whore?” After giving him the sloppiest Deepthroat blowjob and letting him shoot the Biggest cum shot down my throat I couldn’t believe he still turned me in. Well anyway, the MRO at the laboratory agreed to use his urine for my drug test if… I bent over and let him fuck me in the bathroom. Of course, I didn’t turn down the opportunity!

I placed a nice thick line of cocaine on his cock and sniffed his dick from base to tip.

He wasted no time and bent me over so he could ram his cock in and out of my Sloppy wet pussy. I was so turned on that my cunt left a frothy ring of pussy cream at the neck of his cock that I licked clean when we were through. I wasn’t expecting him to have so much stamina… I thought it would be like a quick gig.

Ya know, pay me for an hour but finish in fifteen kinda deal, But, the fucker held me up for three hours milking my cunt and using me as his human condom. I was so lucky that the MRO turned out to be an old perv who couldn’t resist my perfect physique and Big tits pouring out of my tube top. My pussy has paid my dent, rent and now has gotten me out of a drug screening. Sex sells, and you can find me anywhere there are Hookers for hire.

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