Druggy phone sex

Druggy phone sex Let me tell you about the other night, it was nothing like I thought it was going to be! I swear, this was like something you see in the movies but it really happened. My buddy and I were driving back to his place after we had scored an 8-ball. We had gotten lucky this time and it wasn’t stomped on, it was the real fucking deal. It cost some cash and my pussy, but I was already zooted and it didn’t matter to me. All of a sudden, there were blue lights behind us. I looked behind us, and sure enough, we were getting pulled over. He claimed it was for a broken tag light, but right away caught on that we were high and searched the car. He found our stash and started to get his handcuffs out for both of us. I started to cry, begging him not to arrest us, asking if there was anything we could do to get out of this. He looked at me long and hard and grinned saying “There’s something you can do to get out of this.” I knew exactly what he meant, and fell to my knees, sucking his cock with as much effort and dedication as possible. Then I bent over and let him fuck me and cum all over my face before he took a little bit of our coke, threw us the keys and let us go.

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