Little Teen Hooker

Live Phone Sex

They always say, “like mother like daughter!” Truer words have never been spoken, I am just like my crack addicted fuck meat momma! Everyone says we’re the hottest pair of mother daughter hookers around. Ever since I could walk, momma has trained me to become the dirtiest hooker on the 6thjust like her! While other girls wanted to go to class and join sports, I just wanted to fuck as many johns as I could and get as fucked up as possible. Momma taught me how to do all the drugs under the son and suck cock for crack. I’m her perfect little prodigy and so good at selling pussy and ass. A real pro prostitute even in my young age. You can find me hanging at truck stops, gas stations, and shady laundromats with used fuck holes filled to the brim with cum! I don’t even charge that much to fuck my holes. Just give me a hit and I’ll let you hit!

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