The Trailer Trash Whore Life

trailer trash whoreThe life of a trailer trash whore is never boring. I got called to the school to pick up my daughter yesterday, who they claimed was in violation of the dress code. I saw her when she left for school. She had her uniform on and panties. She knows panties are optional at home but required at school. When I arrived at school, I was dressed inappropriately to make a statement. My dress was too tight and too short. Ample cleavage was visible. Sure enough, my hot teen slut wasn’t wearing panties and a teacher ratted her out. Had to be gay because what red blooded male doesn’t want to see a bald teen cunt, right? I covered for whore daughter, so she wouldn’t get in trouble for trying to entice a male teacher with her young cunnie. It was my fault anyway. I taught her that move. I had panties in my purse because I suspected that was the issue. Before the principle could even begin lecturing me on proper behavior, I asked if I could give my daughter her fresh panties. He looked at me incredulously. I explained she got her period and ruined her panties, therefore, she asked me to bring her a fresh pair. Problem solved. Guys hate period talk. He apologized for pulling her out of class.  I took her home and ate her pussy while she told me about the teacher she failed to seduce. I assured her there was nothing wrong with her sweet bald pussy and that any man who doesn’t get hard seeing her flash her bald slit must be gay or blind. I mean if you were her teacher and a she was in the front row with no panties, you would fuck her sloppy wet pussy and not report her to the principle, right?

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