White trash phone sex Flo

White trash phone sex I am the perfect fit for White trash phone sex. I am the epitome of the trashiest trailer trash druggy whore you see in all the movies, on all the cop shows, and on the side of the road selling my body for any scrap of drugs I can get my hands on. Oh, boo-hoo look at me, another typical poor white girl in the south selling my dignity. What a fucking statistic. You look me dead in my eyes and know already that I am worthless in every way possible. No one wants to even save a girl like me anymore, they just know that I am a piece of trash not worth saving. Just literally kick me to the curb like nothing. Abuse me, fuck my face for nothing, beat my ass because you want to. I have no fight in me and just take it like a lousy piece of ass. Maybe if I am lucky I will be high while my white trash ass is used as it should be used.

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