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Tranny phone sex

You are on the internet most of the day. Checking new feeds and instagram. You and I both know that your chick is watching your every move. She checks who’s pictures you liked and who’s facebook feed you have been commenting on. Then there is twitter. The one thing she doesn’t know you have. We are on twitter! Find us and Follow us! Check out our hot and sexy twitter posts. Your girl will never have to know.

Freaky phone sex

You can check out our twitter feed and watch our every move. How fucking hot is that? You can find out all of my info on twitter and talk to me after. Your bitch never has to know. All you did was check out twitter, got a number and started thinking about my tranny cock pumping in and out of your tight ass. Don’t you want to try this thick tranny cock? Taste it, just lick the tip a little bit. I promise it doesn’t bite.

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