Trailer Trash Whore Beverly Blows Random Men in the Club

trailer trash whoreThis trailer trash whore can clean up when she needs to look like a respectable woman. At least respectable enough, LOL. I will never look like I came from money. Nor will I talk like a refined woman either. But I know how to dress for the occasion. My best friend from high school married a wealthy man. We may not hang out as much as we once did, but we get together at least monthly. Her husband thinks I am a bad influence on her. Perhaps that is true.

However, she corrupted me in high school. She is my ride or die. We went to a new club. One in the best part of town. And I rarely go there unless I am with her. This trashy milf sticks out among the wealthy socialite crowd. But the men gravitate to me wherever I go. All men and boys love a blonde trashy whore.

Cindy and I danced all night. She behaved. However, I did not.  I am no longer married. If I want to blow men in the bathroom of a club, I can do so guilt free. And I did. Blew 4 different men. By the time we left the club, I had cum stains on my nice dress. Since I came to the club with her, I left with her. But I did give my number to a few of the men I blew at the club.

I’m the Kind of Whore Who Blows Men in a Bar Restroom

After she dropped me off, I drunk texted a few of those men. And all three of the men I texted showed up at my trailer for an after-hours fuck. Two black guys and one hung Italian stallion. I did not expect to get tripled penetrated, but I never say no to being anyone’s gangbang whore. They all left this morning as the sun rose. We fucked some more, then I went back to bed for a little while before starting my shift.

Although I have a hangover, I have plenty of cum in me and on me to give me a protein pick me up. Cum cures anything. Last night was fun. I got to hang with my bestie. And I let three men triple penetrate all my fuck holes.

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