The best Cum guzzling slut knows the truth

Cum guzzling slut The best Cum guzzling slut knows the truth! I’ve been called a slut, a whore, a junkie. And you know what? I am. I’m a cum loving, meth smoking slut but that isn’t afraid to speak her mind. I know the truth and I know there are hard dick fuckers out there that need a slut like me.

It has been haunting your mind, what kind of lies society has told us. I mean plenty of “conspiracy theories” have been proven true. There is no doubt in my mind we have aliens lurking around our planet and if they are you know they are trying to breed hybrids. 

People say you are stupid if you believe the earth is flat, and I think those people are a lost cause. I have a Cum-filled cunt has seen more action than most people can even imagine. And from my experience, I think anything is possible. I mean science can be wrong, just think if you are off an ingredient in meth, you could kill a lot of people, or if cooked just right, the most amazing experience you can imagine. So really who is to say what is definite and what isn’t?


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