I have been pimping out plenty of youngin sluts lately. I have done just about anything to get my hands on blow. My latest stunt has to be one of my lowest. I have a tot stepsister who I decided to pimp out. I was watching her and knew that she could be my cash supply for the summer. I put up an ad online, and the perves came like bees to honey. It was better than I expected. I got my step sister dressed up. I put some makeup on her and got her looking like a mini slut. It was going great. I promised her I would take her on a shopping spree. I am hoping I can leave a bit for her if not I will trick her and start her early and give her a bit of blow. It’s becoming a cycle I can’t get out of, but I won’t stop. I have been the drunk girl fucking for a couple of lines, and I am now the coke whore pimping out ankle biters.