My Extreme Phone Sex Line

phone sex lineMy phone sex line is always anything goes. I have no limits. Can’t imagine I ever will? Extreme age play, piss, scat, snuff, rape fantasies, incest, hardcore anal….. none of that turns me off.  Just the opposite actually. I don’t do vanilla topics. Most of my callers are sick and twisted like I am. I mean that as a compliment. I had a wicked hot call last night that is a variation on a theme of a constant wet dream I keep having.  The news is filled with stories of girls gone missing, likely sold into the sex slave industry. Most of these outfits are overseas, so I fantasies about a very young brothel right here in my community. Perhaps even run out of my carriage house. It is actually quite large. Who would expect a slave trade outfit in a gated community in Beverly Hills? The lifestyle my husband and I live is expensive. We like to party, travel and live beyond our means, so having some young cash cows besides are own  little ones really makes my pussy wet. Runaways, foster brats, homeless little ones, cute young things from the hood or impoverished homes, all make good candidates; but so do a few spoiled brats. Guys pay good money to tear open some little rich bitch girl, right? I have the access to little ones. I’m a Beverly Hills soccer mom. Parents trust me with their brats. I know it’s hard to believe. If they only knew what I have already done to many of their precious angels already, I would be in prison. I make the best magic cocktails that leave little ones with no memory of your big huge dick violating their tiny holes. I just need an accomplice to help me get this started. Bonus, you get to sample all the talent, even train them for a whore’s life. When they age out, we breed them to keep the brothel going. So who is in with me?

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