I Was The Birthday Treat

Hot Stripper SexAlthough the clubs aren’t open the pervs will always find a way and I will always be looking to make a buck. So, I am doing a little Craig’s List advertising for private parties and my phone rings off the hook. I think the whole quarantine has caused a lot of blue balls and with the bars not open they aren’t finding any pussy to fuck. So anyways, I got to the house for a small gathering ready to pocket some dough and was greeted by a group of youngsters that had me questioning their age until they popped out the id’s and those cute things had all just turned 21 and I was going to be their birthday present. They were cute as can be and I felt a bit cougarish but who better than to give them some birthday snatch that a hot experienced hoe. There were three and I sat them down and proceeded to give them a good show. Lots of lap dances and a strip tease down to just a pair of heels and thigh highs. By the bulges in their pants I could tell they liked it. As I rubbed my nipples across one of their chests, I whispered that for the right price I could make sure that the entire group was satisfied. He smiled as he walked back to his room and returned with a fat stack. I put the money in my purse and then started unbuckling pants and getting down to business. They were actually a freaky group and I left with my holes full of cum. Give me a call and let me tell you all about what I did to those young horny boys.

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