How this trailer trash whore makes it through college

I know I’m one of the first in my family as a trailer trash whore to really do the college thing. Not like I’m really paying attention in some of the classes I’m in. As I love getting my professors hard at awkward moments during the lecture. Just so that boner is visible for me.

Now, he knows he’s gonna get him some Jamie pussy. I sell it, trade it. It’s my bargaining tool. So Mr Prof is gonna get his lil winky wet by yours truly. And I’m gonna get a better grade overall because I, quote “Fuck like porn star of his dreams”.

Give him that sloppy toppy to start so I can at least get him hard enough for me to feel it. He’s not small, but average.

I’m a size queen. Bigger cocks just hit different.

But I suck this mans soul out of his body before I pop myself on top of his Vienna sausage for my cunt to eat up. Get to bounce a bit for him then, showing off how high my titties jump. Give him about 30 seconds and he blows his load in me.

Then he tells me he loves afterwards…

I tell me friends this is why I’m a B and C student.

Trailer Trash Whore

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