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 No taboo phone sex

 A milf modeling photoshoot led to me being in a doggystyle position getting drilled in all three holes. These young studs can’t keep their dick in their pants. In the middle of a photoshoot my photography team whipped their cocks out and began stroking it to me posing. They kept on complimenting my beauty.  My thick milf ass couldn’t resist the temptations of tasting all three dicks.

Fuck me, I couldn’t handle seeing them dry masturbate to me and wasting a load of cum outside of my cunt, anus and throat. I invited them in and they showed no mercy. They fucked me so good with their beautiful young cocks. I’m so proud of myself that I got to fill my throat with all of their cum. They took turns they all got to leave a load in me. Turn after turn and round after round.  They sure tried to wear my cum filled holes out.

They don’t know Cleo can take dick like the slut she is. When they were through with me I had them sleeping like they had just ran a marathon…I meant sex marathon. The best part is taking cum out of my cunt and licking my finger after. I love to swallow every drop. Cum is tasty to me. 


    • Orren on July 14, 2022 at 12:21 pm
    • Reply

    Always wanted a slut that lets me call her a cum dumpster.

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