I love nothing more than pushing my own personal limits. So the other night I called a couple fuck buddies of mine up. I didn’t lead on or give them any hints on what I had in mind. When they arrived I was all slutted up in some black lace and stilettos. On the kitchen table I had an assortment of lubes. I looked at their crotches and could see their dicks jumping around inside their pants. As their minds were probably going a million miles a minute. I am sure they were thinking two guys and a bunch of lube. They thought their asses were about to get fucked and stretched. Oh no….I had something much more pleasurable for myself in mind. I mean sure seeing a man get drilled with another mans cock is hot. But what good does that do me? I hopped up on the table and I told them to each ball their fists up for me I just wanted to get a visual. Just the thought of a fist in my pussy and one in my ass was starting to make me drip. I grabbed Joe by his hair and shoved his mouth on my cunt. Get me nice and wet because the next thing coming near my pussy is a full fist. In no time at all I had Joe nearly elbow deep in my gaping wet snatch, and Mike wrist deep in my tight asshole. It felt amazing having my holes stretched while they were practically giving high fives inside of me.
Fisting Whore Amara
- By Amara in Anal sex whore, Extreme phone sex, Fisting phone sex, Fisting whore, Freaky phone sex, Hardcore anal sex, Hardcore orgy porn, Live phone sex, Nasty phonesex, No taboo phone sex
April 12, 2016
Phone Sex Rates
Billed discreetly as WBMTT Enterprises.
$2.00 per minute all calls in the Continental United States. $2.50 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
$4.00 per minute for 2 girl calls in the Continental United States. $5.00 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
We also offer cyber text sessions and those are at the same rate as calls
10 minute minimum on all calls, no exceptions.
--We Take It All--
All Credit Cards Accepted
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$2.00 per minute all calls in the Continental United States. $2.50 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
$4.00 per minute for 2 girl calls in the Continental United States. $5.00 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
We also offer cyber text sessions and those are at the same rate as calls
10 minute minimum on all calls, no exceptions.
--We Take It All--
All Credit Cards Accepted
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