Fisting Phone Sex Is A Load Of Fun

fisting phone sex

Fisting phone sex is something I really enjoy, both giving and receiving. If you’ve ever wanted to feel your fist enveloped by a gorgeous t-girl pussy, then you need to come see me. And if you’ve ever wanted your asshole fisted, then you also need to come see me.

I have all the necessary items for doing it–gloves, plenty of lube, a comfortable bed to lie down on, and lots of patience. Some people who’ve never done it before erroneously think they can just shove a fist up there, no problem. But I’m afraid that’s not how it works. Maybe one in a billion people can do that. But most of us have to go slowly and take our time.

But that’s ok because I have plenty of time. I’ll prepare you well with just my fingers at first, and then we’ll start to introduce the rest of the hand. I can’t wait to see just how deep I can get in your asshole with my arm! It’ll be interesting to see just how much of it you can take for me.

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