Extreme phone sex Including period play and furry friends

Extreme phone sexExtreme phone sex including period play and furry friends! If you know a dirty whore like me never let her go! I have been known to fuck while on my monthly because I cannot go one day without getting some dick up in me! Now most of the time I just take it up the ass during that time of month! But sometimes I get a really raunchy older man who loves seeing his dick covered in my red river! Imagine a hot hooker who bleeds all over your dick in a sticky hot mess! We might have to burn these sheets when we are done.

Period phone sex

Someone might think a murder happened here! My favorite is when a man goes down on me and gets up to kiss me, and he looks like he is a madman monster. My blood dripping from his face! And I love when my men know when my period is and call me for Period phone sex right at the start of my menses! 

Furry friends phone sex

But you know there’s something even more extreme that I participate in. Like the title says I am not one to shy away from K-9 or barn-yard fucking! If they have four legs and a cock, I will fuck it!  I’m addicted to the feeling of smut and pleasure that comes with being fucked by a four legged. The brute’s strength and red rocket cock size make it even more fucked up! Fucking a Fido or other creature and the orgasms more intense.

Nasty whore Hadley does it all

I love the feeling of being used and abused by something with a big dick and fur! So if you’re looking for extreme and some nasty fun, my Furry friends phone sex is for you!

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