Everyone Loves A Lot Lizard With A Cum Filled Cunt!

Cum Filled Cunt

It’s honestly a little difficult to service at a loves travel stop. You have to know where you are going, what cameras and crew to avoid and how to not look like a gutter slut. So when I decide to make my rounds at a loves now and then I like to dress up like a high priced prize. It not only increases my revenue and interest but decreases my likely hood of getting caught. However, after my first couple of Jon’s I was coming out of a truck only to be pulled aside by Love’s management telling me the jig was up and they would be calling the cops. I put on the whole act crying and begging him not to make the call. However, I could tell by looking at him he hadn’t been getting it at home and he really just needed some convincing to let me go. Down on my knees I went sucking every last inch of his cock. I would put in the work to get me out of trouble. It didn’t take him long either til he was blowing in my throat. I could tell it had been a long while since he got off. Even managed to collect a premium fee from him as well. Then back to another truck to rock his world. They left me alone for the night and a lot of men had a lot of fun. I was told by management I would have to go by morning, the day boss was a dykey cunt who hated pretty bitches like me. Although I am sure I could bring her around too. 

Dirty phone sex

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