Druggy porn whore shoots me up, make me snort it.

Druggy porn

          Druggy porn whore shoots me up, make me snort it. This whore will do anything for her drugs. Be the star in a porn. No problem.  It must be remembered I am a porn star whore and will do anything for the next blow up my nose. Give me the candy.

          Now, to say the least there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for some more rock. Ever see a porn star getting high at the same time as getting fucked. Well, sit down over there and watch this drugged up porn star get high and whored out at the same time make you some money in the nasty porn flick you can imagine.

           This is one fetish you will need to get behind. Everyone wants to see a drugged out whore get fisted in the ass at the same time as the hoochie coochie is getting railed.

          Adding in that another cock will be pissing down the throat of this whore. Where does the porn start and stop. No one knows as long as you have my next hit just waiting for me will go all night.

          May the Luck of the Irish be with you tonight to get this filthy whore while I am both drugged and drunk making all new porn.

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