Bikers love drunk girl fucking

drunk girl fuckingThe biker bars are full this time of year. Perfect for drunk girl fucking. These men know that the whores are plentiful and are looking for holiday cash. Big sweaty cocks love a fuck show of two of us going at it once we have been liquored up enough. Just so happens that we get to put on pussy licking shows on the pool tables as the men decide who is going to get that cock first. Throwing back a shot as I ride another sexy bitches face, my jaw drops. My brother walks in and I just happen to have taken his wife out with me tonight. He has no idea that I have turned her into a gangbang whore on the weekends. She likes to drink and get high, and full of cum. She deserves it, taking care of my brother and his brats. Normally I eat her out and leave no trace, but her used up pussy. One look at us and he was dragging us down by the hair and slapping me around. What did he think was going to happen when he let me hang out with her? We made him feel all better as we got his cock out and showed him how much we both loved sucking him off. He was turned on by his wife being a whore. Do you think he let us fuck more men for him?

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