Anal cum dumpster Prostitute

 No taboo phone sex

I sucked dick on the train this morning before my visit with my dealer up in the city. I was short on money so I offered my head to every man in the cabin. Haha I made $200 off 10 cocks. That’s $20 dollars each. I might have acted like a filthy whore and they had their way with my pussy. By the time I got to my dealer I was rammed and filled with cum. Guess what he did? Lol, he French kissed me. I swapped saliva with him and he swallowed it. Little did he know he swallowed a train cabin’s worth of cum. He even gave me free drugs for just that kiss. I mean I felt bad and all. One more dick to suck wouldn’t hurt my deep throat. I sucked his cock all the way back to my house. I made him cum over and over. This white snow has me acting wild. I fucking love being a trailer trash train wreck slut. I suck dick for drugs don’t judge me okkk.

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