Trashy MILF Got a Nefertiti Piercing

trashy milfThis trashy milf went to get a new tattoo yesterday. I met with a cute young artist who was going to sketch out my tramp stamp. However, she kept suggesting what I needed were some pussy piercings. She could not stop staring at my breasts or my crotch. I have a couple tats already, but the only thing pierced are my ears. I think she had milf fever. She was a sexy young Goth girl. Great body. Tattoos all over her body. She had lots or piercings too. Sexy young bad girl. Not sure if she was gay or straight or simply curious. It did not matter to me. She ripped my panties off, spread my legs and buried her face between my legs. She told me how certain spots are heightened sexually with piercings. Had to peel me off the ceiling after she was done with me. That girl could lick pussy. I licked her back. I saw all the piercings she had and felt how hard she came. After some strap-on play with my sexy Goth girl, I wanted some things pierced too. My pussy was wet. Her pussy was wet. We were covered in sweat from our lesbian romp. We took a shower and went back to her shop. She gave me a Nefertiti piercing. Not going to lie, it hurt like a bitch, but she gave me some TLC she does not give everyone. Once the swelling went down, she tried it out. One of the hardest cums of my life. And she only used her tongue and fingers. Now, I feel like a real bad ass bitch. My army of sluts at home get to eat mommy’s cunnie tonight with her new piercing. My guess is I will be squirting all over their cherub little faces. I went for a tat and got a piercing instead. One of the best decisions I have ever made.

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