I love dirty phone sex. I am an old broad. The rode hard put away wet kind of trailer park whore your momma warned you about. I like to have fun. For me, that means fucking and partying. I crashed a party last night. Everyone is freaked out about this coronavirus, but not me. All the booze I drink will kill most shit. If I have not caught some nasty virus yet, I doubt it will happen. I have had a ton of unprotected fucking. I have licked cum off floors. I have sucked off random men in glory holes and truck stops. I have done cocaine off the asses of strippers. I have been involved in countless gang bangs. If nothing has killed me yet, I don’t think it ever will. I am not living in fear. I sure as shit ain’t staying at home and diddling my cunt alone. I put on my sluttiest outfit and went out to swap some germs last night. I heard a trailer rocking. I crashed the party. A man celebrating that he has a month off work. He works for some delivery service and his company is benching more than half the drivers until April. I asked if I could join the party. I became the party. All the women who were invited stayed home. Wusses. That was fine, more cum for me. More coke for me.