Bet Good

phone sex line evonneNothing makes my pussy wetter then making money.
As I saddled up to the bar I was not only very tipsy, I was very happy as well.
This would be the last drink and the last bet for the night.
Just I had done before I placed my empty glass on the bar along with a five dollar bill. It would be the same bet but with a different guy.
I smiled sweetly and said:
“Care to make a little wager?”
“Sure darlin”
“OK I bet you that I have a little rhyme that you can’t top. The bet is my five here and a drink.”
He laughed. “Bet good”
“Two and two is four. Four and five is nine. I can tell the length of yours but you can’t tell the depth of mine.”
He almost fell off the bar stool laughing. Handed me my five dollars and bought my drink. I downed the drink and tucked the five in my bra, making a cool hundred it was time to go home.
I walked out the door and started down the street feeling very pleased with my self. And then I saw him leaning up against a pole. By the looks of him he had money and I am greedy.
I walked up to him and decided to go double or nothing. Never dreaming it would be nothing.
“Hey care for a friendly wager?”
I could tell by the way he said yes that he was way drunker then I was.
“I bet you a hundred bucks that I have a rhyme that you can’t top.”
He chuckled a little and took my bet.
“Two and two is four. Four and five is nine. I can tell the length of yours but you can’t tell the depth of mine.”
He was quiet for some time when I asked him to fork over my money. I should have known by that smile I was going down.
“Not so fast Sugar. Two and two is four. Four and five is nine. I can piss in yours, but you can’t piss in mine.”
Handing him my hundred I realized that I need to learn when to stop while I am ahead.

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