A Night Off

Gangbang whoreIt was supposed to be my night off.  All I wanted to do was go out with my girls.  Have some drinks, dance, have more drinks, you know, just have a great time and wake up with a hangover the next day.  You know what they say: What ho’s around, cums around.  My friends and I were at the bar, drinking shots when I hear someone; who is clearly drunk mind you; bellowing my name.  I was ignoring it, but my friends kept telling me that someone was calling me.  I told them that I was aware but just to ignore it.

I could hear them getting closer so I told the girls that I wanted to get bottle service and we made our way over to the roped off area of the club.  We sat down and waited for the server to come over.  Now I could see who was calling my name. It was one of my johns.  He was drunk off his ass, and he was waving a twenty dollar bill in the air.  My one friend asked me who the hell that was, I told her some guy from the club I work at.  My good friends know a lot about me, but they don’t know that I sell my shit on the street sometimes.

He was standing in front of the roped off area and yelling my name. One of the bouncers came over and said something to him.  I could see the john pointing at me, then he jabbed the bouncer in the chest with his finger.  The bouncer was staying calm, shaking his head no, but the guy was becoming more and more agitated.  The whole VIP section was now watching the interaction. My john grabbed the rope, and the bouncer grabbed his arm.  Then the john took a swing at the bouncer, which the bouncer easily avoided. 

The next thing we knew two other bouncers where behind him, they all picked him up and took him away. He was yelling something about me being a cunt, and how he had money for a blowjob. I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to drinking.  There were so many questions from my friends, but I pretended that I had no fucking clue what that whole thing was about. Within a few minutes, we were out dancing on the floor, and the whole matter had been forgotten.  However, I kept thinking about that twenty dollars and how easy it would be to just go outside and suck his cock and come back inside twenty dollars richer.

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