Handyman Special

trashy whore evonneI love a big strong man that knows how to fix things. Come on in with that tool belt on and let’s play Mr. Fix-it. I will fuck and suck you until your knees are weak and my pussy is so fucking wet that my clit is swimming in it. All for a few home repairs around here. Of course I want you to take that big fat money wrench and shove it in me and fuck me with it. And those C-clamps you have in your bag, tighten those on my nipples and pussy lips until I cry out. I love when my handy man gets handy on my body before using those tools around the house. I sometimes catch you smelling my juices on those tools while your fixing things and that just makes me want to fuck you again. Are you ready for a break big boy because this pussy needs some more attention. I think I need to take care of your leaking pipe while you snake me out for free flowing. Don’t forget to ask about my specials when you call!

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