Dirty Phone Sex Imminent – First Encounter

Dirty phone sex is imminent.  I predict that hardcore anal sex will be happening to this anal sex whore.

Dirty Phone SexJunior came knocking on my door tonight. Apparently his grandmother ripped him a new asshole for going to jail for being abusive to me. Being the good little granny’s boy that he is, he came over to apologize and invite me to dinner with his grandma. He kept his head ducked the entire time he talked to me, blushing while he did. So, rather than accept his apology and invitation, I told him that I wouldn’t without him looking me in the eye and meaning it, instead of bringing it to me like the scolded, pansy-ass little school boy he was being.

At that, he looked up at me with that ever present anger in his eyes, and told me I could go fuck myself. I told him that he could go back and report all that to his grandma, whipped little pussy boy. Before I knew it, his mouth was crushing mine, his hands were bruising my upper arms, and his body was straining with the effort not to pull my body flush with his own. He was exercising some iron control with that kiss, and boy was it exciting. Once he finally called it good and stepped away from me, we both fixed ourselves. I wrapped my own hands around the area where his had tainted the skin, and I stared him down just as hard as ever he had stared at me. He asked, again, for forgiveness and my presence at his grandmother’s dinner table. I relented, since he looked me dead in the eye that time, and told him I’d be there. I guess I’ll report later.

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